In April time, thinning the branches then will help to stop the tree overproducing plums, ironic I know but especially in a good year when frost doesn't damage the blossom there is a real danger the branches will break later with the weight of the crop. It also allows the light into the tree which helps the fruit to ripen. If you prune later, or the branches break, there is a danger of 'silver leaf' disease entering the cuts or broken edges. Sometimes you will find the developing plums have a mummified appearance or brown rot with a spotty sort of pimply eruption on the surface, you need to pick these diseased fruits off otherwise the damage spreads to all the nearby fruit. Pruning at the correct time also helps to keep a more regular year by year crop because if a tree overdoes it and fruits really well in one year it might take a rest from fruiting the next one or two years. The same principle applies to damsons and greengages.
Edit 1. As in most things there are different opinions, having since checked on various web sites my thoughts mirror those practised by a place called Cam Valley Orchards, Meldreth, Cambs. a commercial plum grower and since he needs to make a living out of his trees, if its good enough for him its good enogh for me. Apparently he grows a lot of victoria plums. He also advises actually thining the fruit itself as it developes to ensure a disease free and better, healthier crop.Apparently, because silver leaf spores thrive in the damp and high humidity, if you wouldn't put your washing out because its wet, humidy or rain is expected, don't prune, If its a dry, blustry day and your washing will be ok then its usually ok to prune.
When is the time to prune Victoria plum trees?
Established trees need to be pruned in June.
This page give you step by step instructions.
Reply:As a rule of thumb it's pips in the winter, (apples and pears) and stones in the summer (plums and cherries).
Remember to seal the cuts.
Reply:anytime except when they are bearing fruit.
Reply:In the Springtime when the sap is rising.
Reply:Mid winter when the tree is dormant. Cut back long branches by a third and open out the grown of the tree. This will allow light in and air to circulate so there is less chance of silver leaf. This is a fungal disease of plum trees which the Victoria variety is very susceptible to.
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