Monday, January 30, 2012

I would like to import a Japanese plum tree to the united states. Anyone know how to apply for certification.

You can get Japanese plum trees already in the United States. Local nursery carry a bevy of them.

I would like to import a Japanese plum tree to the united states. Anyone know how to apply for certification.
Look up CFIA

Stands for Canadian Food Inspection Administration.

PNT, how to get an import permit.

fOOD AND DRUGS ADMINISTRATION, COMES UNDER "nOVELTY" Plants, the tree may have to be put in quarintine like as of you had a dog or pet sent oversea.

Remember the Japanese Maple Beatle, eating the Maple Trees.

How do store sell Japnese Maple trees, or plum tree, I remember when I was a kid we had two ornamental Plum trees planted in the front garden, brought from here in Canada, impoting has been going on for years.

Need name and your address and the one sending it, also.

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