Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Our 19 month old swallowed a plum pit yesterday, can he pass naturally like the doc says?

The doc says this should pass through in his stool in a few days, but the pits have edges that seem quite sharp and I'm worried about damage to his digestive system which could be very serious especially given his yound age.

Our 19 month old swallowed a plum pit yesterday, can he pass naturally like the doc says?
He should be okay. Although the pit is a solid object with some jagged edges, It is slippin' and slidin' through lots-o-poop. Which should coat and lubricate it on its journey. Your kid will probably just have to grunt a little harder to pop it out, but other than that, he should live a perfectly normal life. He's only 19 mos...his days of swallowing crazy objects have just begun! Welcome to fatherhood.
Reply:chill... i passed a dime once. you have to remember all the acids in this stomach will break down the edges making it easy
Reply:You already talked to the doctor take his word I am sure that all those years of medical school and of practice he has the knowledge so don't worry and carry on as usual.
Reply:A stomach's acid is really strong, so it should be completely dissolved by the time it reaches "the end." It won't do any damage.
Reply:Why not take the doctors word, rather than ask people here... mostly junior high school kids who are bored?
Reply:oh yes my baby brother was allways swallowing thing.he even swallowed a little toy soldier which was about a inch long if i remember correctly and it passed quite easily....he was a little distressed while passing it tho.
Reply:he will poop it out.
Reply:Yeh I think that he will be okay. If you are unsure go and get another doctors opinion. You don't want him to have surgery so unfortunately it does sound like its the only way. It may not be as easy as they are making it seem though. There may be a little discomfort.

Poor guy

Good luck

Reply:Um do you not trust your doctor?

And you would prefer the advice of KIDS who giggle at boobs and penises?
Reply:Your child will be fine my daughter did the same with a penny years ago and I was freaked out I took her in and they said the same. Just make sure you keep an eye out for it it will relieve you once its out.
Reply:Either he will pass it or he'll have a plum tree growing out of his stomach...Listen to the doctor.
Reply:Are you going to believe a bunch or strangers, half who only pretend to know what they are talking about, or your doctor?

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