How do you feel about book adaptation to film?
I think some of them suck(Ella Enchanted) beacuse they leave out a lot of info and change the storyline, making them less accurate. I think the Anybodies by N.E. Bode, Dear Dumb Diary series by Jim Benton, the Cronus Chronicles, and the Sisters Grimm series would make great films/TV series. Hmm, maybe I should read the Stephanie Plum series too....
Reply:i'm a real sucker because i really don't like it when books are made into films because i feel like they always get it wrong! but i love to see what other people thought about the book and the imagination i couldn't comprehend unless i watched the movie %26gt;%26lt; i'd love to see...The Named series become movies! or Stravaganza or Tithe by Holly Black :)
Reply:books into films are never really good, in my opinion. the facts aways get messed up, and it never stays true to the book.
Reply:books rarely survive being turned in to film. example:
Ella Enchanted great book that was massacred in the film adaptation. they added in characters that shouldn't have been in there and changed the apperance of some characters. it was horrible. that's why i like Masterpiece theater and some BBC specials because when they take on books the specials remain true the book.
Reply:i don't mind at times
Reply:As a writer (who does not have that particular talent), it's like magic when it works. Some books would transfer better or easier than others, but I think it takes a special gift to do it well. Personally, I'd like to see Nora Roberts' (writing as Robb) futuristic detective novels on film. It would make a great TV series, too.
Reply:It really depends on how well they do it. As stated before, they totally changed Ella Enchanted (even the lovely Hugh Dancy couldn't save it) to an awful farce. But the A%26amp;E version of Pride %26amp; Prejudice (with Colin Firth) was quite true to the book, and the actors managed to convey feelings that were described in long passages by mere expressions and glances.
I'd like to see Thomas Hardy's Mayor of Casterbridge turned into a movie. I felt really bad for Henchard!
Reply:The Vampire Chronicles would be a great TV series. The movie for Interview With the Vampire was great, but a show would be even better, with the viewers following the Lestat's steps as he tries his best to be human in his eternal damned life, while meeting lovers, friends, and allies, along with enemies.
The Iliad, Greek Version, was a series of books, and making it into a TV series would be pretty cool. Unlike Troy, where it was just an inspiration; but a show where the everyone of the main characters can make an appearance; like the Greek gods and Priam's many children.
Reply:I don't mind it I mean I always always read the book first sometimes just because its becoming a movie but that way you can see the book on screen and just have fun and laugh about wat they mess up then explain it to the non reading friends and all.
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