Monday, February 13, 2012

How can I tell when my plums are ready to pick?

Bear in mind I am in the southern hemisphere. Winter is June, July, August, and Summer is December, January, February.

How can I tell when my plums are ready to pick?
The mature fruit should be fully-colored instead of green, and firm, but slightly soft, rather than hard; in addition, they may have a VERY slight "bloom" on the skin of a white, powdery substance (this is actually a fungus, but is harmless and normal). The bloom is only able to live if there is adequate sugar present in the fruit, and that only happens when it's ripe!
Reply:Same rules as in the Northern hemisphere. If they look big enough and have changed from that hard green look to the color of the ripe ones you see in the store they are ready (tougher to tell on green gage plums but even those get a little more yellowish when ripe). If they look almost ready you could pick them and let them ripen indoors. If they fell on the ground you waited too long.
Reply:So,just cut off one,bite and if test good,pick all of them!
Reply:usually ready for picking in Jan, Feb, they usually change colour.

If its a white plum they change to a nice golden yellow when ready to pick.

If its a red plum they change to a dark purple colour.


Trying them they should be ready


roller blades

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